The Garden Of All Kind Of Coffee Tastes Around The World And Conduct Digital Business

We all have favors of our local coffee taste and an international coffee shop for all to come for one's choice of favorite coffee. Whether it's a Danish coffee blended with Smirnoff Vodka or Italy's Cappuccino, our shop won't say as is "we're sorry we don't have it!", and rather proclaim we're with all your best.. and not just it, it's where your business having an independence of space-time-matter to growth with digital economics, digital trading, automated AI trading, and all with digital universe.

With the same new choice of Digital Business Management, your Digital Business is the creation of new business designs by coexisting the digital and physical worlds. It promises to usher in an unprecedented convergence of people, business and things that disrupts existing business models - even those born of the Internet and e-business eras. Would that be nice coming to an international coffee shop to meet all?

What makes digital business different from e-business is the presence and integration of things, connected and intelligent, with people and business. This could be the incorporation of greater intelligence and sensors into jet aircraft engines to improve passenger jet performance and to reduce the need for aircraft maintenance.

In retail, digital business could involve providing retail fashion customers a world with seamless integration between the digital and physical that blends the boundaries between the two. For example, a customer would enter a retail apparel store, try on a coat, and the store systems would know this had happened. They would then project an image of the buyer on a screen with the coat on and propose some accessories or alternatives that would go well with the new clothes, all the time taking into consideration any price limits placed by the customer in the process of discussing their purchases.

Another example would be the ability to reassess loan portfolio risk for a bank with real-time reporting directly from financed physical assets. This could happen, for example, in the course of a car crash. Systems on the car would not only let the first responders know of the crash and the condition of the occupants and the car, they would also notify the bank, so it can assess its risk portfolio in real time. Say the owner was in no condition to make payments if they were not directly working..that would say the bank needs to prepare for a loan default.

+1 408-909-5367


Digital Business With No Boundary For Management

Design & Setup Digital Office

We all want that awesome Pinterest looking home office at home where we feel creative, inspired, happy.. A place we feel drawn to and perhaps happier at the Intl. Coffee Shop with all business guests and people's presence. So the digital office at an international shop is a must-have professional one.

I don’t know about all, perhaps you already have the perfect space? We're perhaps providing more choices, looks, and tools as well as furniture and coffee at the most update standard for one's digital business.




Interact With International Business

We find it’s not always so easy to put together a really nice home office. There are always limitations, space, light, weird wallpaper, questionable furniture.. And even if you have all the nice things, perhaps you still feel like it’s not quite what you envisioned.

So, let’s take a look at what we can do to provide environment and your happy space just like at home. Perhaps your have lots of efficiency at the shop and inside digital universe.

Organizations that excel in the digital industrial economy will be those that can become more technologically capable and sophisticated. So it's to interact with international business grown more profitable results and speedy with digital solution creating the best in the blending.



Trading Posts and Export/Import

All types of economic activity are affected by digitization, and so in some ways all commerce has become e-commerce. We define digitally enabled trade as cross-border economic transactions in which digitization has materially changed how trade happens or what is being traded. We break down digitally enabled trade into three categories: 

  • Digitally sold trade changes the how
  • Digitally enhanced trade changes the what. It is the cross-border trade of digital offerings. 
  • Digitally native trade changes both the how and the what. It is centered on an entirely new offering, one based fully on digital technologies. It is the global offering of new services that have, from the start, been fully digital. The channels are digital, the offering is digital, and the value proposition is anchored in the provision and analysis of digital data. This is the very definition of digital giants such as Google, Facebook, and Uber.

A Few Words About Us

How large is the share of current trade that is fundamentally affected by digital transformation? The data to answer this is surprisingly plausible and fragmentedly random. We have tackled this question in two ways: First, we have taken a bottom-up approach, using the categories of digitally enabled trade defined above and then estimating their respective sizes given a range of indicators. Second, we have taken a top-down approach, using data from the limited number of countries that have tried to empirically measure the cross-border component of digitally enabled commerce. Given the significant limitations in available data, we have in both approaches applied the lower bound of estimates.

Using these conservative measurements, we estimate that in 2019 digitally enabled trade will be worth about $800 billion (the bottom-up estimate) to $1.5 trillion (the top-down estimate). (See Exhibit 1.) This is meaningful in overall size, but at a share of about 3.5% to 6% of global trade, it is far from dominant. For individual market segments and firms, however, the share might already be much higher. In fact, digitally enabled trade categories are growing faster than trade overall, and we estimate that up to 70% of all global trade flows could eventually be meaningfully affected by digitization, with 22% of trade, especially in service sectors, most susceptible.

This is Why You Should Choose Us 

With Your Digital Business And Have A Cup Of World's Coffee.


Quality Services

How should companies respond to this complex and rapidly shifting environment, which offers significant new opportunities but also contains traps? We identify three key areas of action, enabling firms to act in ways that are aligned with their specific circumstances, coordinated across key dimensions of their strategy, and informed about the external context they face as well as our tools and software at one-stop shop.

Certified Experts

Analyze your exposure to digitally enabled trade. Firms can assess their exposure along two dimensions: their approach to internationalization (that is, whether they serve foreign markets as separate multi-local entities or as an integrated global market), (the extent to which digitization has transformed their offering and value chain). These dimensions relate in systemic ways to the type of digitally enabled trade:

  • Companies focused on selling digitally essentially turn local markets into global markets.
  • Companies that enhance their offering through digital elements by definition increase their level of digitization, and can be in either global or multi-local industries.
  • Companies that are digitally native have high levels of digitization and may have been “born global.”

Integrate your digital and global agendas. Firms that have identified a current or emerging exposure to digitally enabled trade need to ensure that their digital and global agendas are aligned.

Develop intelligence and engage in the policy arena. Companies need to make choices about an integrated digital and global strategy with a view to how the relevant technological, market, and policy context will evolve.

Affordable Pricing

The cost of a cup of coffee and stay free of use desks and chairs or meetings clients, signing contracts are a matter of privacy with all parties at the place. There is no overhead cost, except rentals of computers, techies, software, consultancy and station. Others would be minimum costs for international project financing, small offices, mailboxes, and trading posts as well as human resources.

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Digital Globalization changes everything. It changes the way products are developed, how they are produced, how they appear to us. Here you can embrace a boundless opportunity, unleash innovation to bring ideas to life faster..boost-up speed to reduce time to market and increase flexibility.

Call or come to International Coffee Shop for discussion what's about and to get started!

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